Photo: Colourbox

About us


Integrated systems for bioenergy and agriculture in a future without fossil resources (BIOCULTURE)

Project manager:
Brian Elmegaard, DTU Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Insurance: Dorette Sophie Müller-Stöver, DTU Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Project partners: The project is carried out in collaboration among the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Risø at the Technical University of Denmark, Bregentved and DONG Energy.

Fields of responsibility:

DTU Mechanical Engineering: Development of energy system concepts, System analyses of key energy system concepts, Identification of technology gaps, Communication to a broader audience.
Brian Elmegaard (projektleder BioCulture), Lasse Røngaard Clausen, Hafthor Ægir Sigurjonsson

DTU Chemical Engineering: Chemical characteristics of the residuals linked to the conversion technology used, Soil application of residual products, Crop response to the application of selected blends, Putting the results from the basic studies into a broader perspective, Identification of technology gaps.
Dorette Sophie Müller-Stöver (project manager Insurance), Jesper Ahrenfeldt, Ulrik Birk Henriksen, Veronika Hansen

Bregentved Estate: Crop response to the application of selected blends, Identification of technology gaps,, Communication to a broader audience, Putting the results from the basic studies into a broader perspective.
Anders Dolmer, Lars Erik Nielsen

DONG Energy: Gasification unit operation, biomass conversion.
Jens Kai Holm
Roskilde Universitet Teksam: Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen

Villumfonden, DONG Energy, Bregentved Estate, DTU

Project manager:
Brian Elmegaard, DTU Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Duration of Project:
2 October 2012 – 31 December 2015
